
Borodinsky Bread

Borodinsky bread is the most popular bread among custard rye-wheat varieties. Every Ukrainian has known its sour-sweet taste and thick spicy aroma with a hint of coriander since childhood. Traditional Borodinsky bread is made with liquid yeast, sourdough and brewing using a long-term technology. However, modern market conditions require an objective optimization of production while maintaining the high quality of finished products. Therefore, the technologists of the Innovation Center GMTH have developed a unique bread mix “Borodinsky”.


  • rye-wheat bread “Borodinsky”


  • fermented rye malt;
  • wheat flour;
  • Rye flour;
  • ground coriander;
  • citric acid;
  • dry rye sourdough;
  • a complex of baking enzymes.


  • obtaining an elastic dough, does not stick together during formation;
  • increasing the volume of finished products;
  • the formation of a characteristic pulp structure;
  • cooking bread without sponge and dough method;
  • acceleration of the technological process;
  • making bread in small industries;
  • preservation of the traditional taste and aroma of finished products;
  • prolongs the softness of finished products.

Dosage: 10-15% of flour mass.

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